Tutorial: HTML5 Tennis Court Reservation (PHP, JavaScript)

This tutorial shows how to create a PHP web application for tennis court reservation using the scheduler UI. Includes PHP source code and a sample SQLite database.
Dec 31, 2015
html5 tennis court reservation javascript php


  • Multiple tennis courts, grouped by location (indoor, outdoor)
  • Public interface for visitors: see available time slots, book a time slot
  • Admin interface for staff: see and manage all reservations
  • Showing different prices depending on time of day
  • Prevents creating reservations in the past
  • PHP source code
  • SQLite sample database

Source code of the tutorial is available for download.

Example: Displaying Hourly Rate in Grid Cells

html5 tennis court reservation javascript php hourly rate

This tutorial uses the cell customization feature of the Scheduler to display time slot prices directly in the time cells.

var slotPrices = {
  "06:00": 12,
  "07:00": 15,
  "08:00": 15,
  "09:00": 15,
  "10:00": 15,
  "11:00": 12,
  "12:00": 10,
  "13:00": 10,
  "14:00": 12,
  "15:00": 12,
  "16:00": 15,
  "17:00": 15,
  "18:00": 15,
  "19:00": 15,
  "20:00": 15,
  "21:00": 12,
  "22:00": 10,

dp.onBeforeCellRender = function(args) {
  if (args.cell.isParent) {
  if (args.cell.start < new DayPilot.Date()) {  // past
  if (args.cell.utilization() > 0) {
  var color = "green";
  var slotId = args.cell.start.toString("HH:mm");
  var price = slotPrices[slotId];

  var min = 5;
  var max = 15;
  var opacity = (price - min)/max;
  var text = "$" + price;
  args.cell.html = "<div style='cursor: default; position: absolute; left: 0px; top:0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; padding-left: 3px; text-align: center; background-color: " + color + "; color:white; opacity: " + opacity + ";'>" + text + "</div>";