Monthly summary of new releases and articles - December 2014.
Dec 30, 2014

- ASP.NET MVC Gantt Chart Control
- Event Overlap Prevention (Scheduler)
- Progressive Row Rendering (Scheduler)
- Drag and Drop Row Moving (Scheduler)
- Concurrent Event Grouping (Scheduler)
- jQuery Plugin Options (Scheduler)
- Cell Sweeping Customization (Scheduler)
- Row Header Scrolling (Scheduler)
- Date-Only Event End Support (Scheduler)
- Row Header Splitter (Scheduler, Gantt)
- Row Header Hiding (Scheduler, Gantt)
- Row Creating (Scheduler)
- [Calendar] Duration bar color/bar background color customizable in CssOnly mode. (build 3312)
- [Calendar] CellDuration > 60 supported. (build 3313)
- [Scheduler] Custom event height per row (BeforeResHeaderRender/e.EventHeight). (build 3315)

- Independent time headers (Scheduler)
- Custom timeline (Scheduler)
- Non-linear timeline (Scheduler)
- Month cell duration (Scheduler)
- Year cell duration (Scheduler)
- Grid rendering optimizations (Scheduler)
- Default CSS themes (built-in)
- Auto Cell Width (Scheduler)
- Floating Events (Scheduler)
- Floating Time Headers (Scheduler)
- Auto-Expanding Tree Nodes on Hover during Drag and Drop Moving (Scheduler)
- Business Cell Marked with a Special CSS Class (Scheduler)
- Drag and Drop Event Moving Indicator (Scheduler)
- Drag and Drop Event Resizing Indicator (Scheduler)
- Drag and Drop Event Creating Indicator (Scheduler)
- Event Deleting (Scheduler)
- Event Deleting (Event Calendar)
- Event Deleting (Monthly Event Calendar)
- Row Double Click (Scheduler)
- Inline Row Editing (Scheduler)
- Row Selecting (Scheduler)
- Windows 8 Touch Support (Calendar)
- Touch Gesture Customization (Calendar)
- External Drag and Drop on Touch Devices (Calendar)
- External Drag and Drop on Touch Devices (Scheduler)
- Gantt Chart Control
- Drag and Drop Row Moving (Scheduler)
- Row Header Scrolling (Scheduler)
- Row Header Hiding (Scheduler)
- jQuery Plugin Options (Scheduler)
- Date-Only Event End Support (Scheduler)
- Progressive Row Rendering (Scheduler)
- Row Creating (Scheduler)
- Block on CallBack (Scheduler)
- Grouping Concurrent Events (Scheduler)
- Preventing Event Overlap (Scheduler)
- Cell Sweeping Customization (Scheduler)
- [Scheduler] makeDraggable() allows interaction with <select>, <input> and <textarea> inside the draggable element. (build 3317)
- [Calendar] makeDraggable() allows interaction with <select>, <input> and <textarea> inside the draggable element. (build 3317)
- [Calendar] ShowCurrentTime property added. (build 3327)
- [Scheduler] EventStackingLineHeight implemented. (build 3332)
- [Scheduler] SelectedRows can be initialized on the server side. (build 3334)
- Row Filtering (Scheduler)
- Event Filtering (Scheduler)
- Custom Event Height (Scheduler)
- Current Time (Calendar)
- Overlapping Event Lines Compacting (Scheduler)
- Resource Utilization (Scheduler)
- [Scheduler] makeDraggable() allows interaction with <select>, <input> and <textarea> inside the draggable element. (build 5728)
- [Scheduler] OnEventMovingJavaScript (Scheduler) (build 5731)
- Recurrence Support (Calendar, Month, Scheduler)

- Hierarchy of tasks
- Task groups
- Task dependencies
- Drag and drop support: task moving and resizing, reordering tasks in the hierarchy, link creating
- Adding a new task using a special row
- Custom columns with additional data (name, id, duration)
- Visual Studio 2013 solution
- SQL Server 2014 database
- C# source code
- VB.NET source code