Tutorial: ASP.NET MVC 5 Hotel Room Booking

This tutorial shows how to create an ASP.NET MVC 5 web application for scheduling hotel room reservations. Includes C# and VB source and sample SQL Server database.
Feb 24, 2015
asp.net mvc hotel room booking


  • ASP.NET MVC 5 Scheduler control
  • Room status (ready, dirty, cleanup)
  • Reservation status (new, confirmed, arrived, checked out, expired)
  • Drag and drop reservation scheduling
  • Reservation editing using a modal dialog
  • Sample SQL Server database
  • C# and VB version
  • Includes a trial version of DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET MVC

The source code of the tutorial is available for download.

Example: Reservation Status

asp.net mvc hotel room booking reservation status

The rules that determine the reservation status are implemented in the MVC controller on the server side. It will also change the color of the duration bar accordingly:

  • New reservation (orange)
  • Confirmed reservation (green)
  • The guest has arrived (blue)
  • The guest has checked out (gray)
  • Problem - late confirmation, no-show, late checkout (red)


protected override void OnBeforeEventRender(BeforeEventRenderArgs e)
  e.Html = String.Format("{0} ({1:d} - {2:d})", e.Text, e.Start, e.End);
  int status = Convert.ToInt32(e.Tag["ReservationStatus"]);

  switch (status)
      case 0: // new
          if (e.Start < DateTime.Today.AddDays(2)) // must be confirmed two day in advance
              e.DurationBarColor = "red";
              e.ToolTip = "Expired (not confirmed in time)";
              e.DurationBarColor = "orange";
              e.ToolTip = "New";
      case 1:  // confirmed
          if (e.Start < DateTime.Today || (e.Start == DateTime.Today && DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours > 18))  // must arrive before 6 pm
              e.DurationBarColor = "#f41616";  // red
              e.ToolTip = "Late arrival";
              e.DurationBarColor = "green";
              e.ToolTip = "Confirmed";
      case 2: // arrived
          if (e.End < DateTime.Today || (e.End == DateTime.Today && DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours > 11))  // must checkout before 10 am
              e.DurationBarColor = "#f41616"; // red
              e.ToolTip = "Late checkout";
              e.DurationBarColor = "#1691f4";  // blue
              e.ToolTip = "Arrived";
      case 3: // checked out
          e.DurationBarColor = "gray";
          e.ToolTip = "Checked out";
          throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected status.");

  e.Html = e.Html + String.Format("<br /><span style='color:gray'>{0}</span>", e.ToolTip);

  int paid = Convert.ToInt32(e.DataItem["ReservationPaid"]);
  string paidColor = "#aaaaaa";

  e.Areas.Add(new Area().Bottom(10).Right(4).Html("<div style='color:" + paidColor + "; font-size: 8pt;'>Paid: " + paid + "%</div>").Visible());
  e.Areas.Add(new Area().Left(4).Bottom(8).Right(4).Height(2).Html("<div style='background-color:" + paidColor + "; height: 100%; width:" + paid + "%'></div>").Visible());


Protected Overrides Sub OnBeforeEventRender(ByVal e As BeforeEventRenderArgs)
  e.Html = String.Format("{0} ({1:d} - {2:d})", e.Text, e.Start, e.End)
  Dim status As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(e.Tag("ReservationStatus"))

  Select Case status
    Case 0 ' new
      If e.Start < Date.Today.AddDays(2) Then ' must be confirmed two day in advance
        e.DurationBarColor = "red"
        e.ToolTip = "Expired (not confirmed in time)"
        e.DurationBarColor = "orange"
        e.ToolTip = "New"
      End If
    Case 1 ' confirmed
      If e.Start < Date.Today OrElse (e.Start = Date.Today AndAlso Date.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours > 18) Then ' must arrive before 6 pm
        e.DurationBarColor = "#f41616" ' red
        e.ToolTip = "Late arrival"
        e.DurationBarColor = "green"
        e.ToolTip = "Confirmed"
      End If
    Case 2 ' arrived
      If e.End < Date.Today OrElse (e.End = Date.Today AndAlso Date.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours > 11) Then ' must checkout before 10 am
        e.DurationBarColor = "#f41616" ' red
        e.ToolTip = "Late checkout"
        e.DurationBarColor = "#1691f4" ' blue
        e.ToolTip = "Arrived"
      End If
    Case 3 ' checked out
      e.DurationBarColor = "gray"
      e.ToolTip = "Checked out"
    Case Else
      Throw New ArgumentException("Unexpected status.")
  End Select

  e.Html = e.Html & String.Format("<br /><span style='color:gray'>{0}</span>", e.ToolTip)

  Dim paid As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(e.DataItem("ReservationPaid"))
  Dim paidColor As String = "#aaaaaa"

  e.Areas.Add((New Area()).Bottom(10).Right(4).Html("<div style='color:" & paidColor & "; font-size: 8pt;'>Paid: " & paid & "%</div>").Visible())
  e.Areas.Add((New Area()).Left(4).Bottom(8).Right(4).Height(2).Html("<div style='background-color:" & paidColor & "; height: 100%; width:" & paid & "%'></div>").Visible())
End Sub