A new version of the AJAX calendar/scheduling widgets package for JavaScript/HTML5/jQuery.
Feb 14, 2014

A new version of the AJAX calendar/scheduling widgets package for JavaScript/HTML5/jQuery was released.
- [Calendar] Calendar: debugging console (build 658)
- [Month] Month: debugging console (build 666)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler: Custom background color can be set in onBeforeTimeHeaderRender (applied to the _cell_inner div). (build 671)
- Font-family and font-size added to default css themes. (build 672)
- [Calendar] Calendar: Resetting the cell HTML on update. (build 675)
- Switcher: onSelect API improved. (build 696)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler: cellBackColor and cellBackColorNonBusiness updating in !cssOnly mode. (build 699)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler: headers updated when switching to !cssOnly mode using update(). (build 700)
- Switcher: onTimeRangeSelected event implemented. (build 703)
- Switcher: firing onSelect and possible onTimeRangeSelected when changing views using .show(). (build 704)
- [Navigator] Switcher: associate a navigator selectMode with the view using options parameter: switcher.addView(dp_scheduler, { navigatorSelectMode: "week" }); (build 706)
See also the online demo:
You can download a trial version here:
Release notes: