This tutorial describes a web application for scheduling production jobs over a set of machines. Created using Spring Boot and JavaScript scheduler component.
Sep 25, 2017
- Timeline with business hours only (nights and weekends are hidden)
- Subsequent job phases linked visually
- Spring Boot web application
- Built using JavaScript Scheduler UI component from DayPilot Pro for JavaScript
Source code of the tutorial is available for download.
Example: Creating a Follow-Up Job using Drag and Drop

DayPilot Scheduler onEventMoving event handler that customizes drag and drop behavior.
dp.onEventMoving = function(args) {
if (args.areaData && args.areaData === "event-copy") { = {
from: args.e,
color: "#666"
args.start = args.end.addHours(-1);
if (args.e.end() > args.start) {
args.allowed = false; = "red";