A new version of the AJAX calendar/scheduling widgets package for JavaScript/HTML5/jQuery/Angular.
Oct 10, 2016

A new version of the AJAX calendar/scheduling widgets package for JavaScript/HTML5/jQuery/Angular was released.
- [Scheduler] eventMoveSkipNonBusiness (Scheduler)
- [Scheduler] Angular 2 support added (Scheduler).
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler TypeScript definition complete.
- [Scheduler] Safe to dispose immediately after .init() (Scheduler).
- DayPilot.Modal.disposeOnClose (default true).
- [Scheduler] Mouse wheel/trackpad scrolling on row headers reset to the native behavior. It's possible to use a fixed step using .overrideWheelScrolling = true and .scrollStep (int) (Scheduler).
- [Scheduler] rows.update() method implemented (Scheduler).
- [Scheduler] ionicEventClickFix added (Scheduler)
- [Scheduler] onBeforeCellRender caching (Scheduler)
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.rows.find("A").cells.all().invalidate()
- [Scheduler] .show() redraws all invalidated cells in viewport (Scheduler)
- [Scheduler] Mouse move correctly detected over event position indicators (left/right) in the Scheduler.
- [Scheduler] Optimized event update checking for existing div (Scheduler).
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.eventUpdateInplaceOptimization (default: true)
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.navigatorBackSync implemented (synchronizes Navigator highlighting with scheduler viewport start).
- [Navigator] DayPilot.Scheduler.navigatorBackSync implemented (synchronizes Navigator highlighting with scheduler viewport start).
- [Scheduler] Event text accepts an integer (Scheduler).
- DayPilot.Modal supports "left" option (centered if left is null).
- DayPilot.Modal supports CSS themes. Disabled properties: border, corners, opacity. New properties: theme.
- DayPilot.Modal themes: "modal_default", "modal_min".
- DayPilotScheduler global object removed.
- [Scheduler] DayPilot.Angular.Scheduler: All events handlers available in TypeScript definitions.
- [Scheduler] TypeScript definitions added: DayPilot.Scheduler/event handlers and methods, DayPilot.Date, DayPilot.Event, DayPilot.Locale.
- [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar TypeScript definitions.
- [Gantt] DayPilot.Gantt TypeScript definitions.
- [Gantt] DayPilot Gantt for Angular 2.
- [Scheduler] Event copying demo added (Scheduler).
- [Kanban] TypeScript definitions for DayPilot.Month, DayPilot.Kanban.
- [Month] TypeScript definitions for DayPilot.Month, DayPilot.Kanban.
- [Kanban] Angular 2 support for Calendar, Month, Kanban.
- [Calendar] Angular 2 support for Calendar, Month, Kanban.
- [Month] Angular 2 support for Calendar, Month, Kanban.
- [Navigator] Angular 2 support for Navigator.
- [Navigator] Angular 2: DayPilot.Angular.Navigator.date, DayPilot.Angular.Navigator.onDateChanged.
- optional "options" parameter added to control constructors (TypeScript)
See also the online demo:
You can download a trial version here:
Release notes: