Monthly summary of new releases and articles - November 2015.
Nov 9, 2015

- Event versions demo added (Scheduler).
- onBeforeCellRender implemented (Navigator).
- fontColor property applied to the floating event div (Scheduler).
- Active areas supported in floating event divs (Scheduler).
- Original event active areas hidden when floating event div is active (Scheduler).
- Scheduler AngularJS plugin uses preInit/postInit - allows specifying .scrollTo and .events properties in config.
- .scrollToPosition, .scrollToAnimated properties supported in options - init(), jQuery, AngularJS (Scheduler)
- "daypilot-events" attribute supported in <daypilot-navigator> element in AngularJS plugin.
- Async validation implemented for onEventMove - args.async, args.loaded() (Scheduler).
- More efficient free/busy update in AngularJS (Navigator).

Scrollbar reset fixed (Calendar).

- Task versions (Gantt chart)
- Active areas for grid cells - OnBeforeCellRender (Scheduler)
- Active areas for time headers - OnBeforeTimeHeaderRender (Scheduler)
- Active areas position set using Start() and End()

- Appointment reservation for multiple doctors
- Management overview of all doctors, shifts and appointment slots
- Defining appointment slots using drag and drop
- Public interface with an option to request an appointment in one of the available slots
- Uses DayPilot AngularJS Scheduler and Event Calendar controls
- Sample project with PHP backend, storing data in a SQLite database

- AngularJS Scheduler
- Displaying one month
- Switching the month using date navigator control
- Support for check-in and check-out times (displays overnight hotel reservations)
- Creating new reservations using drag and drop
- Status of the reservation is marked using a custom color
- Status of the room is marked using a custom color ("free", "cleanup", "dirty")
- PHP backend (based on simple JSON endpoints)