This tutorial shows how to create a courtroom schedule ASP.NET application using DayPilot Scheduler control.
The tutorial was updated:
Sample assignment moving code with integrated rules/business logic (C#):
protected void DayPilotScheduler1_EventMove(object sender, EventMoveEventArgs e) { // check if this row is a courtroom if (e.NewResource == null) { DayPilotScheduler1.DataSource = new DataManager().GetAssignments(DayPilotScheduler1); DayPilotScheduler1.DataBind(); DayPilotScheduler1.UpdateWithMessage("Sorry, this is not a courtroom. The case cannot be scheduled here."); return; } // check for conflicts with existing assignments int existing = new DataManager().GetExistingAssignments(e.Value, e.NewStart, e.NewEnd, e.NewResource); if (existing > 0) { DayPilotScheduler1.DataSource = new DataManager().GetAssignments(DayPilotScheduler1); DayPilotScheduler1.DataBind(); DayPilotScheduler1.UpdateWithMessage(String.Format("The case cannot be scheduled here. It conflicts with {0} other assignments.", existing)); return; } // check the business hours (8 - 18) if (e.NewStart.Hour < 8 || e.NewEnd > new DateTime(e.NewEnd.Year, e.NewEnd.Month, e.NewEnd.Day, 18, 0, 0)) { DayPilotScheduler1.DataSource = new DataManager().GetAssignments(DayPilotScheduler1); DayPilotScheduler1.DataBind(); DayPilotScheduler1.UpdateWithMessage("Sorry, it can't be scheduled outside of the business hours."); return; } // scheduling a new case if ((bool)e.Data["external"]) { new DataManager().CreateAssignment(e.NewStart, e.NewEnd, Convert.ToInt32(e.NewResource), Convert.ToInt32(e.Value)); DayPilotScheduler1.UpdateWithMessage("The assignment has been created."); } // moving an existing assignment else { new DataManager().MoveAssignment(Convert.ToInt32(e.Value), e.NewStart, e.NewEnd, e.NewResource); DayPilotScheduler1.UpdateWithMessage("The assignment has been updated."); } DayPilotScheduler1.DataSource = new DataManager().GetAssignments(DayPilotScheduler1); DayPilotScheduler1.DataBind(); }