Monthly summary of new releases and articles - September 2015.
Sep 30, 2015

- Hover active areas supported in Scheduler time headers.
- Hover active areas supported in Scheduler grid cells.
- Month/onAfterCellRender event added (args.cell.div, args.cell.divHeader).
- Async validation callback demo updated (Scheduler).
- DayPilot.Scheduler.stopDragging()
- Gantt .scrollX and .scrollY allow setting the position.
- Scheduler row selecting supports Shift + click to select a range.
- Event links demo (Scheduler).
- ...

- ClientInit event (Scheduler).
- Gantt ScrollTo(DateTime) method supported.
- Scheduler/Gantt _linkpoint style.
- Gantt ScrollToTask(id) added.
- Themes updated.