Tutorial: HTML5 Gantt Chart (JavaScript/PHP)

This tutorial shows how to create an HTML5 Gantt chart using DayPilot Pro for JavaScript. PHP project with source code available for download.
Feb 5, 2015
html5 gantt chart


  • HTML5 Gantt chart
  • CSS3 theme
  • Inline task creating
  • Drag and drop task moving
  • Drag and drop task resizing
  • Task hierarchy (task groups)
  • Task progress bar (percent complete)
  • Custom columns with additional information (task name, duration)
  • Milestone support
  • Task editing using a modal dialog
  • Fast AJAX updates

Source code of the tutorial is available for download.

Example: Loading Gantt Task Data from the Database

html5 gantt chart task hierarchy

We will use jQuery to load the task data from the server side.

<script type="text/javascript">
  var dp = new DayPilot.Gantt("dp");
  dp.startDate = "2015-01-01";
  dp.days = 31;


  function loadTasks() {
      $.post("backend_tasks.php", function(data) {
          dp.tasks.list = data;


The backend_tasks.php script returns a JSON array structure with the task properties. The task children are stored in the "children" property.

require_once '_db.php';

class Task {}

$result = tasklist($db, db_get_tasks(null));

header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($result);

function tasklist($db, $items) {
    $result = array();

    foreach($items as $item) {
      $r = new Task();

      // rows
      $r->id = $item['id'];
      $r->text = $item['name'];
      $r->start = $item['start'];
      $r->end = $item['end'];
      $parent = $r->id;
      $children = db_get_tasks($parent);
      if (!empty($children)) {
          $r->children = tasklist($db, $children);

      $result[] = $r;
    return $result;

The db_get_tasks() function is defined in _db.php:

function db_get_tasks($parent) {
    global $db;
    $str = 'SELECT * FROM task WHERE parent_id = :parent ORDER BY ordinal, ordinal_priority desc';
    if ($parent == null) {
        $str = str_replace("= :parent", "is null", $str);
        $stmt = $db->prepare($str);
    else {
        $stmt = $db->prepare($str);
        $stmt->bindParam(':parent', $parent);
    return $stmt->fetchAll();

Sample JSON data:

    "text":"Task 1",
    "text":"Task 2",
    "text":"Task 3",
        "text":"Sub-Task 3.1",